kecemasan matematika, motivassi, dan minat belajar

  • Dwi Yanti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Prana Putra


This study aims to find out: (1) whether or not math anxiety influences students' learning motivation; (2) the influence of Math Anxiety on student learning outcomes. The approach that researchers use in this study is a quantitative approach. This type of research is correlation research. Correlation research is a study that looks at the relationship and tightness of relationships between variables. In the study, the free variables were Math Anxiety (X), while the bound variables were student learning motivation (Y1) and student learning interest (Y2). The data collection methods used are questionnaires and documentation. The population in this study was 74 students. The research sample numbered 35 students. The data analysis techniques used are product Moment correlation and double regression analysis. The results showed that: (1) There was a negative and significant influence of math axiety on student learning motivation (thitung = 2,696 > = 1,979 at a significant level of 0.9 05), (2) There is a positive influence and math axiety on student learning interests (thitung = 2,006 > = 1,979 at a significant level of 0.05). It can be concluded that the lower the math axiety (math anxiety) of a student, the higher the motivation and interest in learning students.


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